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TMS services offered in Greensboro, NC

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) offers hope to people with mental health problems when medication and psychotherapy don’t work. The team at the Neuropsychiatric Care Center in Greensboro, North Carolina, offers NeuroStar advanced TMS. TMS is a gentle, painless, and safe way to achieve lasting relief from mental distress. Call the Neuropsychiatric Care Center or schedule a consultation online today to learn if you’re a good fit for TMS therapy.

What is TMS?

TMS is an innovative drug-free treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD). It uses focused magnetic pulses like those in an MRI diagnostic imaging machine to improve your brain function.

TMS isn’t a shock therapy and poses no risks to your health. It offers a safe, effective treatment without causing side effects. Studies show that around 83% of patients experience significant symptom relief with TMS. Over 60% of patients go into remission, meaning their depression goes away.

You might be a good candidate for TMS if you’ve tried several prescription drugs and counseling for depression without success. TMS is FDA-approved to treat MDD and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It’s also effective in treating other mental health conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and bipolar disorder.

How does TMS work?

The Neuropsychiatric Care Center uses NeuroStar® Advanced TMS, which targets the source of depression in your brain.

Specific parts of your brain control mood. In a healthy brain, chemicals called neurotransmitters allow the neurons (nerve cells) to communicate, creating pathways (synapses). Low neurotransmitter levels in the mood-regulating areas mean new synapse connections fail to form and existing ones break down. The result is depression and other mental health problems.

NeuroStar TMS regenerates inactive synapses, boosting the mood center’s function.

How soon will I see the results from TMS?

At the Neuropsychiatric Care Center, many patients experience improvements within 2-3 weeks of beginning TMS therapy. They benefit from mood changes, less severe depression symptoms, and an increased interest in communicating with others.

You must complete your entire six-week NeuroStar TMS treatment course for the best chance at enjoying long-lasting depression relief.

What does having TMS therapy involve?

The Neuropsychiatric Care Center offers NeuroStar Advanced TMS therapy as an outpatient treatment. Each session takes less than 20 minutes. During TMS treatment, you’ll be awake and aware. Right after the treatment, you can return to your regular activities.

During your TMS session, a cushioned coil on your head delivers magnetic pulses to the brain’s mood center. You might feel tapping, tingling, and/or warming sensations under the coil, but this is usually temporary and decreases after several treatments.

Call the Neuropsychiatric Care Center or book an appointment online today to learn more about NeuroStar TMS and how it can improve your mental health.

Our clinicians work as a team to provide our patients with a full range of outpatient mental health services, leading them toward the path to wellness that they deserve.